Friday, April 19, 2024

Lost or Found

June 4, 2007 by  
Filed under Main Blog

It’s been days and finally Blackey has appeared in his favourite tree branch in the Orange tree outside my window. It’s such a relief to see him there, and he, for his part is totally oblivious to my concern at his lengthy absence from my backyard. I want to give him a piece of my mind, but that would be the relief talking. Odd that, isn’t it?

Must be a wholly human response to an inadequate explanation from someone who still doesn’t realise they are required to give one. No wonder they say, ‘ignorance is bliss.’ I watched Bill Murray in Broken Flowers last night and it occurred to me that his last two character’s have spent an inordinate amount of time being ‘lost’ in one way, shape or form.

It makes me wonder. Firstly, when he got Lost in Translation whether he wasn’t simply taking time out and secondly in Broken Flowers was he merely discovering the fruit of his labour during that initial time out?

It’s a stretch I know, but it raises for me the questions of just how adequately we live in the realms of the now and not-yet. That is to say, the unique position we hold as a creature living in this world – today (present) and waiting for a time to come – tomorrow (future), and how we live with this expectant tension every single day of our lives.

It’s really no small wonder then that we get confused. I’m sure you realise by now the Bill Murray factor was simply a springboard to a much broader issue. The thing about being lost, getting lost or having lost is our place in the equation. And it might be left of centre, centre stage or right of centre.

Personally, I feel there is no such place as No-man’s Land. It seems to me that regardless of wherever we are in relation to the issue, we will feel its impact. Blackey is looking at me sideways, he knows.

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