Friday, April 26, 2024

Groundhog Day

June 23, 2007 by  
Filed under Main Blog

When insomnia has me reaching for a thick book (or worse) making custard to eat with peaches in mango juice at midnight, I know in my experience it’s really going to be a long day! So long infact that thinking of Bill Murray in Groundhog Day is a breeze by comparison because at least you can turn off the rerun! I do confess however to having seen 3 reruns!

I don’t know when or where I developed this hate/hate relationship with insomnia, it just knocked on my door one day and became a squatter-in residence. I’ve tried a number of Eviction Notices, meditation, warm milk, counting sheep, dogs and frill neck lizards but to no avail. I’m loathe to go down the track of drugs (really not my way) and rock’n’roll. Well, maybe just a little bit of rock’n’roll. What will it take I wonder?

Groundhogs got a pretty bad rap when they made that film I think. Poor blighters were probably curled up asleep in a dark hole somewhere when the Hollywood Director got the flash bulb notion to make an association that has the poor animal blinking in disbelief from all the popping flashes now! I’m raving you know! Comes as a side-effect of no sleep.

I find that my mouth somehow develops slow-mo and my thoughts race ahead of me like a hare caught in the lights of an oncoming car. I feel sorry for it (the hare) because sometimes I know the end result and I feel sorry for me too knowing I could end up a casualty in the same ward. Insomnia, Groundhog Day, Groundhog Day Insomnia. There’s something about them that seems so familiar. I’ve got it! They’re twins .. double trouble!

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