Saturday, April 20, 2024

Wanna Serve Somebody

June 6, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

My network card is giving me grief and the modem is tiffing with the laptop, streuth! Over the back fence fighting. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Wasn’t it Dylan Thomas that wrote, ” …breathe deep the gathering gloom.”

War is insulting. It’s about wresting power away from someone and ceding it to someone else. It has little, if any, regard for anyone who gets in its crossfire. It’s insulting because it truculently defies a common human decency. That is, regard for another human life.

I’m scratching the surface here and goodness knows I don’t want to inflame open wounds. I’m just one but as this one I want to know what I think about this, wouldn’t you? Those thoughts and others occurred to me as I sat safe in my house. I watch the news selectively.

I have no stomach for watching people half a world away suffer in pain repeatedly. I’m sad for them. I can’t entirely understand their pain because I haven’t experienced it, not to those depths. And if I was honest, neither would I want to. There are aspects of adulthood I despise. If only.

Our lives hang daily in the balance, none of us know when someone or something outside of ourselves will take our choices away. So how will we spend the time? What will we do in the interim? If you’re anything like me, you try to do the best you can with what you’ve got.

There seems to me to be a universal truism that when we get better at looking after the small things we get given bigger things to look after. Well, so it seems. Is that true for you as well? It’s a question of service isn’t it. How we serve our time, faithfully, unfaithfully? However we serve, it matters.

It matters in the bigger scheme of things. I tell myself that all the time. What I do matters and perhaps you should tell yourself that too. Especially if you’re doing the hard yards. Keep up the good work. It matters, somewhere to someone. It does.

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