Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Conversation Piece

July 21, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

There’s something about being surrounded by art that resuscitates my soul. I can’t put my finger on whether it’s the high concentration of ideas or energy or kindredness or all that and more that makes me feel that way but what I know, is the effect is always the same. I feel alive.

Colour is an extremely heady sensation for me. I love it. I love the energy of it. And best of all I’m besotted with the emotion that energy evokes in the depths of my being. Life calling to life. And despite what I might have believed once, life is long. Very long.

The great thing about art is it’s so conversational, so convivial in a crowd of people. It’s no attention seeker but attention seeks it out. I think it happens that way because people are interested in interesting conversations, like me. I’d settle for one interesting conversation on any given night than have to endure ten banal social twitterings of little if any substance. I get glassy-eyed and that never bodes well for a repeat performance!

Interesting art makes me think, makes me want to roll around like a pig in mud in delight at how an artist might enliven what is to begin with conceptual and to then see it realised in the physical representation. It’s a wild ride. I know the process myself.

Most of all, I love that everyone can win in this one. The artist, the conversationalist (that’s you the viewer) and the work itself. I love that it has its day in the sun too. Need to get the wind back in your sails? Take in an exhibition sometime soon, it’ll breathe a different life into you from the one you might be living now. And might I suggest you go to an exhibition in a style outside the one you’d normally go to see. Why? It will enlarge your world if you do.

I won’t guarantee you’ll like it to begin with but remember. Small steps. They are the beginning of what could turn out to be a life long journey to places and ideas you never imagined you might go to let alone visit in your life time. Small steps. That’s how most art begins its journey too.

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