Friday, April 26, 2024


August 5, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

Have you ever been travelling so much that you wake up the next morning wondering where on earth you are? I mean you remember the bit where you understand that you’ve been travelling for what feels like an eternity.

It’s just that when you open your eyes some mornings you’re just not immediately sure what city you’re in. I have. It’s particularly disorientating. Over time and a Pink Elephant (gin, lemonade & bitters) I developed a way of reminding myself exactly where I was the next morning by writing the name of the city in red lip-stick across the mirror. Garish maybe, but it worked everytime!

This got me to day-dreaming again about how great it would be to be a time and space traveller of a Gallifreyan proportion. Imagine that! Moving from here to there and from then to now. The very idea is scintillating. And unreliable as it is, I don’t think I’d swap the type 40 TARDIS (the Blue Police Box used by Dr Who) for anything.

There’s something exquisitely normal about its appearance that makes discovering the fact that while it looks fairly normal on the outside “the external dimensions bear little if any resemblance to what’s going on inside. Inside the TARDIS there are an awful lot of rooms – libraries, gardens, swimming pools, and even a cricket pavilion. Plus two control rooms, a boot cupboard, a very large costume wardrobe and a pink Zero Room.” I told you!

TARDIS as you may or may not know is short for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. It’s still a mystery how it actually space travels but that’s half the fun of extrapolating the feat in the first place. If you asked any Time Lord they’ll tell you “Rassilon and Omega made it happen through an amazing feat of temporal engineering.” Personally, I’d go with that.

Day-dreaming is such a nice way of starting a day, I think more people ought to try it. It somehow sets you up for the day, engages your mind and gets the creative juices flowing. Try it for yourself and see. As for me, well, this has definitely set me up for the day. I’m off now, see you. Looks like a beautiful day in paradise.

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