Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Hump Day

September 4, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

It’s hump day. The day where we look forward to the coming of the weekend. To be honest, it’s still a stretch when you view it realistically. I mean, there is still one working day left in the working week before we can really put our feet up. What’s with that? Why couldn’t Thursday be the hump day? I mean it’s closer to the weekend wouldn’t you say?

By citing Thursday as the Hump Day, the inference of course is that, the expectation is much greater because it really is closer to the onset of the weekend. Hump days have such an strange effect on people. They’re like an odourless scent that we let off and get such a buzz from that anyone bumping into us also immediately gets transference. We really are quite odd creatures! Excitable at the drop of a hat!

And Hump Day, well, it is rather odd that we imbue Wednesday with such significance too isn’t it? Imagine what civilisations years from now will say about our generation. Do you think they’ll think we’re fickle? Or just plain weird! Who could know? On the other hand would they really care?

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