Thursday, April 25, 2024

No Puddleglum but Puddle Jumping Allowed

September 14, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

Do you ever just enjoy doing something for something’s sake? Sometimes? Rarely? Never? That’s a shame is all I can say. That and, well you should make a pact with yourself to change that during any break you might have. It’s really kind of liberating!

There’s a lot to be said for ignoring the ‘voices in your head’ and just going your own way about doing a thing. I find that all the time! Surprised? Well, neither am I! But you always knew that about me right? I have certain friends who would definitely fall off the side of life in fits of laughter about that last sentence! I love a great belly laugh.

That said, it’s been a while since I walked bare-footed in the rain (in the city). Granted it’s rained a lot lately, but to be honest it just hadn’t crossed my mind until this moment. Have you ever done that? Walked bare-foot in the rain? Not a care in the world about who might or might not see. Really? Not lately? That’s a shame!

The only place I can think that they’d do that with any semblance of regularity would be in Nimbin or Bellingen or Byron Bay (though the latter has become rather more refined as time has gone by), not that the others aren’t (refined I mean) it’s just that the first two places still wear their bohemian heritage on their sleeves. Let’s just say, they’re places I think they’d be more likely.

Well whether they do or whether they don’t, you’ve gotta have a go at something you’ve always thought about doing but never really had either the nerve to do or reckless gumption of mind. Absolutely truthfully, it’s liberating beyond words.

I tried skateboarding once, down one of those skate bowls in the park. It was frightening but liberating like said. I only needed to do it once to confirm that I admired those who could and can a lot.

To watch them, young people are fearless, they just launch themselves off the lip of the bowl and skate out into thin air. It’s a long way down as I discovered. I think the first time you do it, you simply don’t have a clue and the word stupidity doesn’t seem to feature on your vocab list for the sport!

Maybe because it never occurs to you that’s exactly what might be going on when you attempt a feat like that. All this to say, if the doing something for something’s sake is skateboarding in a bowl, don’t forget, I warned you so! Meanwhile, I think I’ll do a little puddle-jumping, it just feels so much more life-affirming, what do you think?

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