Thursday, April 25, 2024

Minxed Messages

September 23, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

Minx and I play this game with each other, we pretend to ignore each other while peripherally maintaining an acute awareness of just what the other is up to. Where cats have it all over humans (and me in particular) is that they really know how to press home the aloof advantage.

Minx has honed his to a fine art. His middle name should be “pretended aloofness”. Pretended because he’s never so disconnected from events that he isn’t fully aware of exactly where he’s at, he’s wily that way. Minx is my cousin’s cat if you haven’t read that far back into this blog.

I hate it when he gets that imperiously aloof look in his eyes. It has more than a touch of a superior air to it and we humans couldn’t even imitate it if we tried! It’s self-assured, sassy when it wants to be and down right infuriating when you have to remind yourself who owns who!

He’s a good mate Minx, I’m sure he gets frustrated when I can’t read his mind about “inside” and “outside”. That is, when he wants in and when he wants out. Lately his internal clock has been all up the chute, he’s taken to wanting out at 2am (just for a play it would seem, quick scamper around the backyard) and then inside again.

I decided to dispense with the mind-reading options when it comes to me, I think he thinks getting it through my thick skull is more than a challenge for even me so praise be, he’s decided a verbal cue is probably less challenging. He mews, quietly at first, the kind of mew that’s designed to ease me gently from a deep REM sleep. He figures twice is sufficient despite the intellectual challenge that obviously presents me with. If he has to mew a third time, it’s pretty much a no holds barred rebel rousing ‘get your butt up off that bed and open the door’ type of mew. Awake or not, I get the picture.

What’s this you say? Well, it’s a timely reminder to all pet owners. You might think you’re the boss but a word from the Minx, we believe what they want us to believe, make no bones about it, cats rule!

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