Tuesday, April 23, 2024

New Beginnings

October 15, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

It’s astonishing how quickly we can fill our days up with activities. Some worthwhile and others, well, less so. The Christmas party invites have already begun to arrive and you can feel we’re heading into that mad season again.

Two months out from Christmas and there’s been a distinct shift in head gears. Mind you, it’s the time of year too isn’t it? The festive season has that affect on us! We somehow feel compelled to try to cram all manner of things into a very short space of time. You’d think we’d know better by now but we don’t!

New beginnings happen everyday without us even thinking of them in that way and yet, they do. We have this great opportunity for us to have the slate wiped clean each new day. That’s an amazing mercy in anyone’s language and not a day goes by that I don’t feel thankful about that. New beginnings, makes you want to eat it right up doesn’t it?

I’m thinking the New Year ahead has a lot to offer that’s hiding just out of sight. From time to time I catch a peripheral blur of something flashing away out of the corner of my eye. One moment it’s there and another it’s not.

I guess that’s why new beginnings are so adventuresome; we never know just where we’ll end up. It’s an interesting feeling to me depending on my frame of mind. I try to stay open to the positive impact of that scenario but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that some days it can be more than a little scary. Living future tense, it’s not for the faint-hearted!

Mags (your real yarn-about kiwi Magpie) flew in the other day. He popped over for a chat and to pass the time of day. I love it when he does that. Spending time I mean. He’s one of the few birds I know that I feel actively listens when a person is speaking. We’re comfortable old friends Mags and me, two old backyard mates that don’t even have to speak to be speaking. Do you have a friend like that? Aren’t they worth their weight in gold?

It’s the saying without speaking that’s so freakishly amazing isn’t it. It’s the silent words with so much meaning, the feeling of total enjoyment of being in that friend’s presence and the absolute ease of it. Of course not all friends can be in that space of our lives but the ones that are, we’ll they’re special (beyond words) aren’t they.

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