Friday, April 26, 2024

Stirling Falls, Milford Sound

March 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Featured Content

Milford Sound is named after Milford Haven in Wales, while the Cleddau River which flows into the sound is also named for its Welsh namesake. The Māori named the sound Piopiotahi after the thrush-like piopio bird, now extinct. Piopiotahi means “a single piopio”, harking back to the legend of Māui trying to win immortality for […]

TubB or not TubB

September 27, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

As time goes by I’m more and more convinced that what matters most to us, is not ultimately, what matters most to a single other person in the world. And why is that? Because unless we’ve taken the time to explain in depth to a single other person why we think and