Sunday, April 28, 2024

Where Elephants Swim

May 7, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

Best friends come in small numbers, great friends are even fewer and farther between. Why is that? Well I think mostly it takes time (I’m talking years here) to deepen a friendship that’s prepared to bare all. It’s as raw and naked as we are want to get because that’s the very essence of a great friendship.

Great friendships coax cavernous depths of emotion from us that other kinds of friendships don’t. They command of the participants a frankness, a transparency and a depth of non-conditional love that’s meaty. ‘Love’ as a meaning in these modern times is so often-used it’s like a kitchen tea towel thrown in the wash so often its true meaning fades as time goes on.

Great friendships command such an honesty between people it can be a scary thing. Scary because imperfection of any kind can seem so intolerable. We get over ourselves eventually don’t we! Actually the very nature of a great friendship demands that we do.

They grow like mustard seeds, their beginnings are small but over time they grow into a strong shrub that has substance and an equally strong heart-beat.

I don’t believe anyone goes knowingly into a great friendship because the road to is most often unmarked. The Australian theologian Leon Morris when describing a particular book of the Bible once noted,”John [the Gospel of] is like a pool, in which a child may wade and an elephant may swim.” I think the same might be said of a great friendship.

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