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Rebecca MacKinnon: Let’s Take Back the Internet

July 16, 2011 by  
Filed under VidStyle

Rebecca MacKinnon describes the expanding struggle for freedom and control in cyberspace, and asks: How do we design the next phase of the Internet with accountability and freedom at its core, rather than control?


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ABOUT Rebecca MacKinnon

“She believes the internet is headed for a ‘Magna Carta’ moment when citizens around the world demand that their governments protect free speech and their right to connection.

As we push more and more of our social lives online, should we be (and how should we be) regulating these networks? Is there a human rights penalty we pay for trusting basic human connection to the Internet?

As a Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation, Rebecca MacKinnon looks at these big questions in her upcoming book, ‘Consent of the Networked’, a treatise on the future of liberty in the Internet age.

A former head of CNN’s Beijing and Tokyo bureaus, Rebecca is an expert on Chinese Internet censorship. She’s one of the founders (with Ethan Zuckerman) of the Global Voices Online blog network, which aggregates and translates news around the world that might otherwise go unheard.

She says: “The Egyptian Revolution makes it clear that digital technologies play a powerful role in global politics. But we should expect that role to be unpredictable.”


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