Saturday, September 21, 2024

Women for Women

November 25, 2010 by  
Filed under mindStyle

“Around the world, women face some of the greatest obstacles YET also represent tremendous opportunity for lasting social and economic development. As a result of war and conflict, women and girls often lose everything that ever mattered to them, including their sense of self. Their voices are silenced. And even if they were to speak, […]

Little Red Mon-star

June 2, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

What is it about a three and a half year old monster that brings out the best in us? Oh did I mention he was red? Apologies, small oversight on my part. Actually that’s human years. Three and a half, human years. In monster years that makes him

Send in the Clowns

May 2, 2008 by  
Filed under Main Blog

Many comedians these days rely alot on finding shock tactics to deliver the all too familiar four-letter ‘f’ word to every respectable sentence that ever graced a stage. I wonder sometimes if that’s just a lack of